Here’s Why Going Solar Is About To Be A Lot More Expensive
These new import taxes on solar panels made outside USA will give an advantage to those companies who locate here in USA. Some Chinese companies that are already making solar …
These new import taxes on solar panels made outside USA will give an advantage to those companies who locate here in USA. Some Chinese companies that are already making solar …
The new tax law championed by President Trump looks to be a boon to U.S. businesses. 史上最大减税,名为《减税与就业法案》的税法改革方案重磅落地。其对企业税税改力度非常强大,目前税法规定,企业收税为35%,且有企业的AMT;新税法企业收入税从35%减少到21%,废除企业的AMT。对美国当地的Pass-through公司,目前税法规定一些类型的私营小公司,如LLC、S-corp\partnerships,按个人税率纳税(最高为39.6%);新税法规定,个人收入$15.75万(家庭收入$31.5万)以上的医生、律师、会计师等服务性私人小公司不能享受该政策,其他小公司业主由商业收入按个人税率纳税的现状,变为此部分可以得到20%的税务减免。另外, 美国的海外公司,美国的海外的独资企业、合资企业,不管公司在哪里,只要是公司的利润,都要交税,这部分税可以延期到把利润转回美国;新的税法规定,为了促进海外的资金回流美国,对固定资产,以8%的税率一次性征收,对于现金等流动性资产,按15.5%的税率征收。 WASHINGTON — Craft breweries are raising a glass to the Republicans’ …